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Courage to Dream Again by Susan Y Nikitenko

  Angels spread their wings;
To keep the snow from falling.
But the chilling winds;
Announce that winters calling.

The leaves have fluttered;
And tossed they swirl gently down.
While in the distance;
Geese call that familiar sound.

Sadness fills a heart;
When it seems a dream has failed.
When all leaves of hope;
Are gone and losses bewailed.

Sometimes dreams will die;
And sorrows bring the tears.
But trusting Jesus;
Relieves a heart chilled with cares.

God is in control;
Of both winter and the spring.
Of the Autumn rains;
And heartaches transforming sting.

We must die to self;
For God's purpose shall prevail.
He works for our good;
though we are sinful and frail.

Cold winds fill the sky;
Nature builds a warm embrace.
A place of comfort;
A sheltering hiding place.

Where do we find warmth;
In the bitter rains of loss?
Jesus is that place;
Of comfort, He bares our cross.

Though heartache will come;
Though winter winds whip and whirl.
And our soul cries out;
As we witness a dreams burial.

Remember the Spring;
Where new dreams and hopes are born.
Miracles of grace;
Arising from the fallen corn.

Seeds, of Truth and Life;
Tended with the Fathers hand.
Watered with His love;
Brings courage to dream again.

 Susan Y Nikitenko