Working at putting positivity into the art of grafitti, he has contributed for the Jes Ford Foundation at St Augustine Hospital, Shot a documentary of live art in France Township (PMB), painted kennels for the SAPS Canine unit in Shongweni, painted at Wartburg's Boarding Establishments, painted a Doctors accomadation Kakdiggs and invited to do live art in Pretoria for the launch of PostBox Magazine's launch to name a few.
"It is very rare that you see a Mlungu carrying spray paint cans in a township".
Working with A.M.K.crew (African Made Kulture) consisting of Sonic, Beula and Gasak designers in their own rights, there are alot of Spray Cans not yet bought and murals Durban is yet to see.
With aspirations of being the biggest designer of street apparel on the African continent,
The future will be painted on our chests, walls and dreams...
(all names used are tag names and not real names of artists)!/pages/Gasak/127519977321304!/pages/Durban-Street-Culture/167374123280630
The Future is Bright for the taking-DSC Big Up.
"Whenever you see Graffitti, look at it as if you are looking at a Mona Lisa"